Próximo rival:
Conakry Panthers FC
Equipo no encontrado o sin medias
24.11.2024 18:20 (Liga): | Goneverysoon | 3 - 6 | Power and Determina | ||
27.11.2024 11:50 (Amistoso (Int.)): | Power and Determina | 5 - 3 | Caracoles F.C. | ||
01.12.2024 18:20 (Liga): | Power and Determina | 3 - 4 | Guinea Mawba | ||
04.12.2024 11:50 (Amistoso (Int.)): | Power and Determina | 0 - 1 | LA VIDAL AVAL | ||
08.12.2024 18:20 (Liga): | Conakry AJ | 0 - 4 | Power and Determina | ||
11.12.2024 17:25 (Amistoso (Int., RC)): | CHAOS! | 4 - 5 | Power and Determina | ||
15.12.2024 18:20 (Liga): | Power and Determina | 4 - 1 | Mamou RC | ||
18.12.2024 11:50 (Amistoso (Int.)): | Power and Determina | 1 - 6 | African Wings |
22.12.2024 18:20 (Liga): | Conakry Panthers FC | - | Power and Determina | ||
25.12.2024 10:00 (Amistoso (Int.)): | Manchester Utd FC. | - | Power and Determina |